Holy Apostles' C of E Primary School

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Battledown Approach, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham GL52 6QZ


01242 526858

Holy Apostles' C of E Primary School

“Learn Well, Live Well, Together” ......... ‘God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them. (Genesis I: 27) ........ The value this term is Equality

  1. Information
  2. E-Safety

E-Safety for Parents


Child safety on YouTube Kids - 4 steps to take to help keep your child safe.

10 tips to stay safe online - Advice to give your child about how to stay safe online.

Screen Time - Know the risks, and what you can do to help keep your child safe.

Think U Know - Information and Advice on keeping your child safe online.

Internet Matters - Support and Advice to keep parents informed about online safety.

UK Safer Internet Centre - Tips, advice and resources to help children stay safe online.

E-Safety for Pupils